Monday, April 20, 2015

A to Z Challenge – Q – Cult Classics: Queensryche, The Quiet Earth, Q, and More! Plus Blood, Boobs and Carnage Blogfest and New Releases!

Today I am visiting author extraordinaire and champion of world naked domination, Hart Johnson, who had a few questions for me…

A to Z Challenge – Cult Classics – Q
Movies-Music-Sci-fi Book-Bloggers-Dragon Term

Movies –

The Quiet Earth
This post-apocalyptic film from New Zealand follows three survivors of The Effect and wraps up with an ambiguous ending.

This cheesy 1982 film stared Michael Moriarty and David Carradine and was directed by Larry Cohen of It’s Alive fame. The poster art was painted by Boris Vallejo.

Music –

Queensryche – Operation Mindcrime
This 1988 concept album ‘rock opera’ is listed as one of the greatest heavy metal albums of all time. It went Platinum and the song ‘I Don’t Believe in Love’ was nominated for a Grammy.

Science Fiction Book –

There wasn’t a cult classic among the Q books, so I decided to give you a unique one:

Quinzinzinzili by Régis Messac
Written in 1935 by a French author, this was one of the first post-cataclysmic novels.

Blogger –

Sheena-kay at Queendsheena
Want to tap into an enthusiastic writer and freelancer? Want a dedicated and caring cheerleader? Then visit this ray of sunshine now!

Dragon of the Stars Term –

The planet of Hyrath is governed by both a Council and a Queen. The Council functions in much the same way as the Senate or House, with the Queen as the deciding factor. Hyrath’s ruler falls to the oldest, whether male or female. When the story opens, Isadora is the Queen of Hyrath.

Dragon of the Stars is out now!
Check out the site What Are the Kargrandes? for clues as to how they tie into the story.

New Releases!

Audio Book:
Torn Canvas by Donna K. Weaver
Narrator: Tristan Hunt

Modern-day pirates took more than Jori Virtanen’s friends; they stole his face…

On tour April 20-24, 2015
Find Torn Canvas on audio - Amazon, Audible, and iTunes

The River of Desperation by Sean McLachlan
Sequel to A Fine Likeness
Find it on Amazon

Blood, Boobs, and Carnage Blogfest!

Hosted by me and Heather Gardner.

Yes, Blood, Boobs, and Carnage!

I’d used that phrase last year to describe an upcoming movie release. It amused many people, including Heather. So naturally, we decided to make it a blogfest.

What falls into that category? Here’s a few examples – Conan the Barbarian, Breaking Bad, Fast and Furious, The Watchmen, etc.

Here’s the details, short and simple:

On May 18, 2015, post about a movie, television show, book, or all three that falls into the category of Blood, Boobs, and Carnage. (Or just Blood and Carnage or other mixture.) It can be any genre that fits the bill – fantasy, science fiction, action, adventure, western, thriller, etc. Post the badge and visit other participants.

Sign up below!


This linky list is now closed.

What are your Q words? Seen either movie? Have you seen Queensryche perform that album live? Figured out the Kargrandes? Picking up some new books? And are you ready for some Blood, Boobs, and Carnage?

Don’t forget to visit Hart Johnson!


Elephant's Child said...

Quite a selection of Qs, from the quintessential blogger himself.

Michael Abayomi said...

The blogfest sounds like it could be loads of fun, so another instant sign up for me. :D

P.S: Have you seen the Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice teaser!? :D :D

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Quicksilver with Kevin Bacon... I would like to have seen Queensryche at any point...

Have a great week!


Natalie Aguirre said...

Great selections for Q. Hope your blog tour is going well and your book is still doing well in the rankings.

Laura Clipson said...

That sounds like an interesting blogfest!

Unknown said...

Quinzinzinzilli made me laugh! Congrats to Donna and Sean on their releases! Have a great week, Alex. :)

Nilanjana Bose said...

Haven't read the book, and would like do so, if I could muster the pronunciation well enough to ask for it. The blogfest sounds gory and good.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Thanks for the shout out, Alex. :) That Blogfest sounds hilarious. Just about anything by JJ Abrams would fit that. :)

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

The first thing I thought of when I saw the single "Q" in the post title was Q, the god-like alien from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Anonymous said...

Operation Mind Crime is still one of the best albums (and videos) around. Such a great concept for an album. Love Jeff Tate's voice!!

nashvillecats2 said...

Super "Q" post Alex. as for the blogfest, Daniel don't fall into any of those catagories. Come to think of it I don't know much about it either.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michael, I have. Good trailer although it doesn't really tell us much.

Jeremy, I've seen them three times now.

Natalie, so far so good!

Laura, please join us.

Donna, you're welcome!

Sandra, and if I were doing television shows, I would've posted about him for sure.

Elsie, yes it is!

Jennifer Hawes said...

Donna's book sounds really interesting! I'm always buying books--mostly on my Kindle.

Unknown said...

Blood, boobs, and carnage: sounds like my kind of fest. :)

Rhonda Albom said...

LOL - I have known of or seen nearly all of your movies so far, until this week, when you posted one made here in New Zealand. Was surprised not to see Queen on your list. As for Blood, Boobs and Carnage - it's going to be interesting.

Arlee Bird said...

Operation Mindcrime was among the last CD's that I've purchased. I got it on recommendation from you and L.Diane Wolfe. It's a good one.

The Quiet Earth I actually saw in the theater when it first came out. I think I was among few who saw it.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That was the first Queensryche album I ever heard. Good choice.

J.L. Campbell said...

Don't know many of these, but I know Sheena and I know Hart. :)

J.L. Campbell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jo said...

I said it before, I did not like the Queen of Hyrath.

I don't think I will join in your Blogfest but I love the name of it.

mail4rosey said...

I always thought Queensryche had a nice sound. They reminded me of another group but I could never put my finger on it.

kjmckendry said...

I can't believe how many "Q" things you found! Fun idea for a blgofest!

Pat Hatt said...

Never seen either of those movies. Quiz Show is the only Q movie that pops into my mind at the moment.

Spartacus I think has everything beat in the blood, boobs and carnage categories.

Cathy Kennedy said...

Count me in on the next go around of Blogfest. I've not done this before, so this might be a bit of a challenge for me. *yikes* Oh well, it's all about the fun, right? RIGHT?! :D I visited your featured blogger this morning.

Jay Noel said...

I have NEVER heard of The Quiet Earth. Sounds like something I'd like. I do remember Q, but vaguely. Cheesy can be good. If anything, it might be decent MST3000 material.

Julie Flanders said...

This has to be the best name for a blogfest ever LOL.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I haven't seen the movies or the performance.
My "Q" word today is Quarter Horse.
Have a great week.

Tamara Narayan said...

Blogfest? Okay, I'm in. Great interview with Hart. Nice to read more specifics about the new book and its characters.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Melanie, it's going to be fun!

Rhonda, you need to see that movie then.

Glad to get you hooked on it, Lee. And I didn't see that film until video.

Pat, that makes it an easy choice then.

Cathy, you'll have fun! Glad you're on board.

Jay, it's definitely MST3K material.

Julie, Heather gets the credit!

Chrys Fey said...

All new Q's for me except for Queendsheena. I'm interested in reading about the queen in your book. :)

Heather M. Gardner said...

Don't hate me when I say that I'm not fond of Queensryche. I always thought they were more of a Led Zeppelin cover band. His voice was distinctive, but I thought the music always sounded like someone else's.



YAY! So happy to be sharing it with you!


Charles Gramlich said...

blood, boobs, and carnage? Reminds me of the movie Mother, Jugs, and Speed

Hart Johnson said...

Impressive that you could find all those Qs! Queensryche is the only one I had been exposed to before (like them). Blogfest sounds good, though the show I have in mind will probably be EVERYWHERE that day.

Shell Flower said...

Wow, you really did rock the Qs. I have to admit I've never really listened to Queensryche or watched any of those movies. The french book looks fascinating, though. Love the blogfest idea, too.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Thank you so much Alex! I am all a glow. I wonder if The Quiet Earth is on Netflix? Signed up for your blogfest of course. Enjoy your day Alex and Q can be a tough letter. Excellent job.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Quinzinzinzili. Now that's a title.

Matthew MacNish said...

One of the Queensryche dudes used to live down the street from my dad.

Kristin Smith said...

Lots of cool Q things! That sounds like an interesting blogfest—I remember when you used that term Blood, Boobs, and Carnage. Hehe. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tamara, glad you're on board!

Heather, that's blasphemy! Just kidding. Honored to do a blogfest with you.

Hart, we'll find out.

Sheena-kay, you're welcome!

Matthew, that's wild.

Kristin, you have a good memory.

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard of either of those movies, books, or music.

Who wouldn't be ready for blood, boobs, and carnage? ;)

Huntress said...

Love Queensryche!
I'll check out The Quiet Earth. I'm looking for a new read.

Sean McLachlan, one of my faves. Now if only I could remember how to spell his name.

Blogfest. Yes. It is Time.

Al Penwasser said...

I would have liked "The Quiet Man." Not only was it a John Wayne movie, it had a great fight scene.
And a lot of Irish people.

Robyn Campbell said...

I remember that B,B, and C. *snort* I am all signed up. Now I need to jot a note about it. Lest I forget.

I have to have Donna's book.

Love the way you did your A to Z, Alex. Especially honoring your fellow bloggers. Thank you for being you!

Susan Oloier said...

Well, that is quite a blogfest. And you got Robyn Campbell to sign up! The world is tilting off its axis today :-)

J.H. Moncrieff said...

That album and awesome song were my first introduction to Queensryche. I love them, along with that other epic Q band, Queen.

cleemckenzie said...

Lots of titles with Q, and I thought they'd be rare.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Patricia, exactly!

Huntress, you rock! Glad you can join us for the blogfest.

Robyn, thanks! And I'll send an email reminder about the blogfest.

Susan, that made me chuckle.

JH, you rock! said...

Blood, Boobs, Carnage - Ah, now I know what BBC stands for! =)

David Powers King said...

Not sure I can do any bloghops in May after this challenge is over. And now you've introduced me to two films I should check out. :)

Fundy Blue said...

I got up late today, and my tail is dragging. who's fault is that? YOURS! I am almost through DOTS and will finish it before I do much more today! No spoilers here, other than your plot twist blew me away! Loving this book! Your style is evolving and improving with every book. It's fun to watch ~ like watching Kathy Reichs develop from her first book on through others. Maybe I'm weird, but that's fun for me! Don't stop writing!!!!

The Qs are all new to me, Alex! Let me highly recommend a fabulous time travel, sci fi book for Q. No Q in the title, but it's all about Mayan culture, so Quetzalcoatl must be in there somewhere: "In the Courts of the Sun" by Brian D'Amato. 1st in The Sacrifice Game trilogy ~ stunning book! Big, fat, complex read!

I'm behind on your A to Zs, but I will catch up. I'm going to visit all your blogger recommendations.

Have a happy week!

stephen Hayes said...

When it comes to fantasy art, I always preferred Frazetta to Boris Vallejo, whose work always fails to conceal the photo references.

Sarah Foster said...

Awesome idea for a blogfest! Not sure if I'll get to participate, though. Maybe if I think of something really good...

jaybird said...

Not quite ready to sign up for anything else as of YET, but I will check out your blogfest for sure. I am just trying to survive the A-Z right now.

I love Queen Sheena, what a sweetheart and up-lifting blogger she is. Great highlight.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Fun motif for a blogfest. I unintentionally posted a perfect post for it today: QUEEN OF SWORDS! :-)

Patricia Stoltey said...

Q is always so hard for themed posts but you did good, Alex. I don't know any of those movies or books though.

kaykuala said...

The Blogfest seems quite ticklish. Not decided just yet though! Thanks Alex!


Kathryn Thornton said...

I struggled to come up with two Q items. You did quite well here. I have never even heard of the movie "Q".

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm not unfamiliar with all your Q selections today. The blog hop sounds interesting. And we'll be recovered by then.

Bish Denham said...

I'm going to have to have to look up The Quiet Earth. And Quinzinzinzila is worth checking out as well. Have long enjoyed old SciFi. And this one being Frech makes me doubly curious.

My Q work is a simple one... Questions.

Dean K Miller said...

Awesome Q list. I'll have to check out the rock opera album. Nothing beats the past for rock. Love the '80s.

Cherdo said...

I've got to watch The Quiet Earth now.

Your new blog hop sounds fun (and hilarious). I can't wait to see the submissions; if I can do it justice, I'll jump on board.

Intangible Hearts said...

Blood. boobs and carnage--oh my? Donna Weaver is a great writer. I enjoyed reading one of her books and recommend all her books and her blog!

Jeffrey Scott said...

Q can be hard to find films or books starting with it. I wonder how hard X will be.

SpacerGuy said...

The Q is a tough one but then it helps if you have an IQ of 2005, hehe. Sorry, its a trek thing. I'm thinking, the blood, boobs and carnage blogfest wouldn't be for your everyday innocent reader, would it? I like boobies but Mother might not approve, LOL.

L.G. Keltner said...

The BB&C Blogfest is going to be bloody fantastic! There are certainly going to be plenty of things to choose from!

Robin said...

I'm thinking about the blogfest. I'm sure it will be epic!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

You found quite a few "Q" words. I remember that cheesy horror movie. I think I only watched it because it had a dinosaur like creature in it and I was curious. Love Hart and got to go over and check out the post now.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Robyn, you got it!

Fundy, wow - thank you! I'm honored. And I will check out your book recommendation.

Roland, then the blogfest will be easy for you.

Kat, probably best if you never watch it - it's not very good.

Susan, that was the plan!

Cherdo, hope you can!

Jeffrey, I did find items for X!

Spacerguy, you can leave out the boobs if you want...

Robin, bloody epic!

Carrie-Anne said...

Q is one of my favoritest letters, since it's so uncommon. Getting a chance to use a Q (or X) name or word is like finding a needle in a haystack, so why not go for it as often as possible?

Anonymous said...

Yay, Sheena-kay!

Sherry Ellis said...

Your blogfest is hilarious! What guy can resist that?

Cherie Reich said...

That's cool about the Regis Messac book being one of the first post-cataclysmic novels out there.

Stephanie Faris said...

Sheena-kay is a breath of fresh air! Blood, boobs, AND carnage? I'm trying to think of one that fits all three...

Michelle Wallace said...

I'm off to visit Hart!

Susan Kane said...

I drew a blank on all your Q submissions. Oh well.

Liesel K. Hill said...

Gotta love Queensryche! Totally signed up for the Blood, Boobs and Carnage blogfest. Sounds like fun! :D

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I'm amazed you came up with so much stuff for Q!

That will make an interesting Blogfest. :)

Birgit said...

Oh I saw The Quiet Earth long ago and I recall I disliked the ending but I would need to see it again because I don't remember much at all from it. I have not seen the other film but it sounds like a fun flick. I am all in for the movie fest:)

Cathrina Constantine said...

Great Q's!!!

Annalisa Crawford said...

Queensryche were awesome. I listen to Empire a lot, but haven't seen my copy of Operation:Mindcrime for a long time - I really need to look for it now!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - I can't really get into any of these .. other than the Blood, Boobs and Carnage blogfest .. I shall definitely enjoy reading .. if I don't join .. great you're doing it together with Heather .. cheers Hilary

Tonja Drecker said...

Queenshena is a sunshine! I had to laugh at the Blood, Boobs and Carnage, and then swallow when I realized how many movies I love in that category. On my way to Johnson's now :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sherry, hopefully no one can resist. (Just please, no one post any man-boobs.)

Stephanie, it can fit just two. I'm not picky.

Liesel, thanks for joining us!

Annalisa, yes you do.

Sean McLachlan said...

The Quiet Earth is an overlooked classic of the genre. Q is one of the many 80s films where the poster was better than the film.
Thanks for the shout out!

Liz A. said...

Michael Moriarty and David Carradine? I must check out Q, although maybe on fast forward.

Jeff Chapman said...

Interesting mix of Q stuff. That blogfest sounds promising.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Ninja Captain, it all makes sense now! LOL. I can't believe you came up with so many Q's! Only you. :D

I'm definitely in for the BBB. Hugs.

Andrew Leon said...

No Q comment, but I am about 25% through 'storm.

Fundy Blue said...

Just finished DOTS, Alex! Wonderful story with a huge emotional impact on me. I won't be able to forget Aden, Tamsin, and the Kargrandes.

I'm seeing parallels between Frodo and Aden! But I don't want to say much because I don't want to be a spoiler. You do know that this leaves me longing for a lot more!

I hope there are more adventures ahead for Captain Pendar. It would be fascinating to see what could unfold in the future. Tamsin's worth a thousand Hyrathian princesses! You're getting better at showing not telling as a writer ~ Hope you don't take offense at my saying that.

In some ways I'm envious of Aden. I would love to see the universe through his eyes! Such a great tale!

~Sia McKye~ said...

Quite a selection for the letter Q.

I read your interview with Hart. It was interesting reading. :-)

Sia McKye Over Coffee

Jemi Fraser said...

Q is a tough one - well done! :)

Cindy said...

I haven't heard of any of the Q things, but at least now I have.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Oh wow, I remember the Quiet Earth. It's been so long I think I need a refresher there. And this sounds like an AMAZING blogfest. I'm already thinking up selections for my post.

Sandra Cox said...

I like the premise for Torn Canvas.

Hmm, I'm going to have to think of a good movie so I can join the hop--or not so good as the case may be. grin.

J E Oneil said...

I remember wanting to watch The Quiet Earth a while ago and it totally slipped my mind, so thanks for the reminder. I'm also interested in finding out more about Quinzinzinzili (whoa, is that hard to spell right).

Nick Wilford said...

I'm more familiar with Queen than Queensryche.

Best blogfest title ever!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sean, you're welcome!

Liz, I'd recommend fast forward.

Eva, awesome!

Andrew, that's a good or a bad thing...

Fundy, awesome! Wow, glad you enjoyed it so much. Thank you.

Lauren, awesome!

Sandra, either way!

Nick, thanks!

Carol Kilgore said...

I do believe this ranks among the shortest and Quickest blog posts I've ever seen from you, LOL!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Blood, boobs, and carnage? x( Sounds like a man's blogfest!

Btw, I like Queensryche!

Elizabeth Mueller
AtoZ 2015
My Little Pony

Tyrean Martinson said...

Haven't seen either movie . . .
I'll be by to visit Hart.

Holy Ghost Writer said...

That will be a bloody fun blogfest

Maurice Mitchell said...

I like that you have a queen as supreme ruler instead of a king Alex!

mooderino said...

I quite liked Q, cheesiness and all. Mind you, I saw it a long time ago. Best to leave it in my memory I feel, rather than see it again and feel appalled at my terrible taste back then.

Mark Koopmans said...

I won't be around on the 18th, but that sounds like an epic blogfest... I think I'll just work on my top five boob-- er, blood movies :)

PS: Yahhy for Sheena-kay (awesome choice.. she is definitely a queen of the blogosphere :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elizabeth, you rock! And it's open for everyone.

Maurice, what would I rule?

Moody, good idea.

Anonymous said...

I remember listening to Queensryche.

I will have to ponder joining that blogfest. I have some movies in mind.

Unknown said...

I'm currently working my way through Kung Fu, so any mention of David Carradine piques my interest.

Helena said...

I didn't know any of these Q's. But now I'll go over to Hart's blog (the naked great one!) and say hi to you, Alex.

Anonymous said...

That's quite the title on that Science Fiction book. I had to read it a few times to pronounce it. My Q movie would be The Quiet Man with John Wayne, though it's not a cult classic. It's just a good movie.

Unknown said...

I'm a big zero for 'Q,' but growing up I was a big Boris Vallejo fan!

You can find me here:

Tammy Theriault said...

I saw the word boobs and came right over... Haha!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Now I know the story behind the catchy title! I'm so far behind on reading blogs that it's too soon for me to start thinking about May. I wish that I had even a quarter of the Ninja's speed and discipline.


The Happy Whisk said...

Enjoy your new upcoming blogfest.

Trisha said...

Classic album, Operation Mindcrime - just love those guys!

Bevimus said...

Boy- I'm 0 for 4 today. I've not only not seen, heard and read a one of them but I haven't heard of them before. Sheesh!

But that bloghop sounds so fun- I'm in!

Mina Burrows said...

This is a great selection of Q's. Gosh I had a hard time with this letter too.

Queensryche is a great cult classic too.

I signed up for the bloghop. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mediea, please join us!

Lori, I'm sure lots of people would say it's a classic.

Trisha, you rock!

Beverly, awesome!

Mina, thanks!

Arlee Bird said...

Okay, okay! Who am I to refuse a movie blogfest?

I'm in.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Debbie D. said...

Going to see Queensryche in September. They're opening for Scorpions. Should be a killer show! ☺ I signed up for your Blood, Boobs and Carnage fest too and have found the perfect example.

SpacerGuy said...

I'm all in! Blood Boobs and Carnage! Here I come!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Did someone say Boobs and Carnage?

I'm in!

Yvette Carol said...

As a New Zealander it was so cool to see a Kiwi movie first on the list! Yay.

Alex, you're inspiring with your generosity towards our writing community. Keep on being awesome :-)